Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Whew, the past week or so has been quite the ride.  You know, I wish I could say there has been tons of forward progress, but I can say that the doctors seem to have a direction they're heading in with treating the infection Ainsley has.  Over the past week Ainsley has regressed somewhat in terms of breathing in that she has needed more oxygen (100% for multiple days in a row) and she was put back on the oscillating respirator. This ventilator is the one that shakes her, but I learned that it is actually more gentle on her lungs than the other respirator she was on, and stimulates more of her lungs. Ainsley being on so much oxygen for so long is a concern because of complications that can arise from that, such as hardening of her lungs and inflammation. Also, late last week, Ainsley was discovered to have contracted some type of staff infection. Since then she has been receiving anti-biotics and has been responding well to them by her breaths appearing easier to achieve, the infections seems to be going away and her oxygen needs have slightly decreased.

The plan of action now appears to be: fight off the infection, assist Ainsley with her lungs to breathe better and on her own, assist Ainsley with continuing to improve kidney and other organ function, and assess where Ainsley is at with how much damage she has sustained at birth and during this whole process.

Not going to lie, times are kind of rough right now. I still long to hear my daughter cry, to be able to look into her eyes, and to know with confidence that she will be able to have some of the basics in life, that each one of us take for granted, as they come automatically to us every minute of every day. Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming, each one makes a difference and is appreciated. As for my wife, Ainsley and I; we just have to remember to breathe.


  1. Michael, Ginnie,Ainsley and all....We are holding you close in our thoughts and prayers....Day by day....with love, Lynda

  2. We're sending y'all lots of love and warm thoughts and we continue to have strong faith that Ainsley will recover soon!

  3. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Pray that every day there are little and big sparks of joy.

  4. I am keeping up with this from out here in PDX. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, every day, morning and night. Much Love to you, Ainsley and Ginnie, and all of those out there who are showing their love and support. - Chris

  5. I was so happy to read an update on Ainsley! You are all constantly on my mind and in my prayers. Keep breathing, and if there is ANYTHING the Brand clan can help with, just let us know.
